Will you also be speaking at Boat Show University? (This must be pre-arranged)
The seminar title(s) and description(s) provided on this application will be used on seattleboatshow.com. Please double check the grammar and spelling.
Seminar 1 title:
Seminar 1 description ():
Which topic that best describes your presentation?
Is this a boating or fishing seminar?
Seminar 2 title:
Seminar 2 description ():
Which topic that best describes your presentation?
Is this a boating or fishing seminar?
Seminar 3 title:
Seminar 3 description ():
Which topic that best describes your presentation?
Is this a boating or fishing seminar?
Seminar 4 title:
Seminar 4 description ():
Which topic that best describes your presentation?
Is this a boating or fishing seminar?